TempleOS Instructional Videos

The keys that I press are shown in the upper right corner during the videos. Tour Not Really StdIn/StdOut VMware Install and Making Distro Benchmark: VMware,VirtualBox,QEMU Holy C Highlight of Features Using the Debugger Kernel Algorithms Neil deGrasse Tyson --------------> Naughty Fun with Internals Compiler/Assembler/Unassembler Establishing My Geek Credentials Filter Search Divine Intellect Operating System Demands on the Industry ClassRep() ClassRepD() & lastclass Take-Down of Linus Torvalds Why TempleOS Better than Linux #1: Beginner Orientation Hello World #2: Beginner Orientation Demo Index Graphics: Triangle Fill What God Wants in Music Intro to Graphics <CTRL-r> Graphic Editing FileFind() Usage Random Numbers and Seed() StdIn StdOut Command-Line Tricks Programming Guide Adam, Command-Line and Linkage FAQ PrintF/ScanF Using the Assembler Asm Prog Example Memory Start-Up Code Tasks, Threads and Processes MultiCore CS Lectures in TempleOS Spin-Locks ATA/ATAPI HardDisk CD/DVD-ROM Code FAT32 Code Binary Files Not ELF Graphics Code #1: Making Asteroids Game #1: Making Hymns #2: Making Asteroids Game #2: Making Hymns #3: Making Asteroids Game #3: Making Hymns #1: Making an O.S. from Scratch #2: Making an O.S. from Scratch

TempleOS Games

#01: Titanium, FlapBat, BomberGolf and Strut. #02: TreeCheckers. (Net-Wars) #03: KeepAway and FlatTop. #04: BattleLines. #05: FlightSim, First Person Shooter. #06: X-Caliber, RawHide, Wenceslas. #07: Span bridge design. #08: ToTheFront. #09: BlackDiamond. #10: Pilgrim. #11: Stadium. Beginner demo game. #12: RocketScience. Advanced demo game. #13: SimStructure (Windows Control System Simulator Application)

5-Minute Random Code Walk-Thru

#001: Compiler back-end. Floating-point. #002: Document node to plain text. #003: Debugger. Caller(). #004: Sound effects. #005: Document entry copy. #006: Graphic bitmap blot. #007: Compiler optimizer pass 0,1,2. #008: HD audio task. #009: LZW compression, expansion routine. #010: FindFiles DirTreeDel(). #011: Compiler back-end library ICMov(). #012: Graphic sprite editor main menu. Width. #013: Compiler lexical analyser. #ifndef. #014: Compiler lexical analyser. LexDollar(). #015: Compiler back-end. Assign. #016: Song. Struggles. #017: Psalmody. Graphic layers. #018: Web log report. #019: CD/DVD ISO. #020: Song. Keeping. #021: AfterEgypt. The mountain. #022: BattleLines. Init(). #023: X-Caliber. Draw explosion. #024: Coach tee-ball game. #025: EdLite. #026: Compiler stmt parser. ClassNew(). #027: ModelGen. Draw man. #028: Shading ball demo. #029: Graphics init globals. #030: Budget. String file. #031: Archived code. IDE that was removed. #032: Demo. Conway's game of life. #033: Kernel disk code. Read clus blocks. #034: Debugger. Set breakpoint. #035: Compiler optimizer pass 0,1,2. IC_XOR_XOR. #036: DunGen game. Init(). #037: Document main. Right click menu. #038: Web log report. Block IP numbers. #039: Song. Furnishing. #040: Document link check. #041: Kernel header. KernelA. #042: Song. Awake. #043: Graphics sprite bitmap editor. #044: Graphics bitmap. GrRect(). #045: Compiler back-end. Floating-point conversion. #046: String utilities. Assembly StrIMatch(). #047: Song. Keeping. #048: Spell check. Suggested spelling demo. #049: Lectures. Time instruction. Cached vs Uncached. #050: Document Recalc-b. #051: Psalmody. PopUpDuration(). #052: Graphics sprite mesh editor. #053: Game. RawHide. #054: Multicore demo. LoadTest. #055: Util DC2Doc. Screen captured BMP to text. #056: Graphics sprite editor. Sprite edit menu. #057: Kernel disk code. Disk cache invalidate. #058: Demo. Pick3D. #059: CtrlBttnNew(). #060: Demo. Tower of Hanoi. #061: Demo. Fish tank wallpaper. #062: Compiler optimization library. BrNotZero/BrZero. #063: Graphic sprite editor. Convert to bitmap. #064: Kernel header KernelA. Compiler member list. #065: Slider managed code. #066: Game AfterEgypt. Horeb. Walking around on mountain top. #067: Demo. Pick3D. #068: TS distribution code. Make TempleOS website. #069: Compiler optimizer library. BrZero BrNotZero. #070: Kernel FAT32 driver. #071: Kernel header file KernelC. #072: Demo game. Talons. #073: TestSuite for GrModels. #074: Kernel disk CFile. FSetClus(). FOpen(). #075: Demo. Pick. #076: Graphics math. Circle(). #077: Compiler back-end. Floating point += -= /= %=. #078: Compiler lexical analyzer. Near LexGetChar(). #079: Kernel servant command. In() Xtalk(). #080: Code tools. Reindent. #081: Document. <Ctrl-l> #082: Game app. Strut. #083: Document optimizer. FilesFind(). #084: Song. Dialog. #085: Kernel disk code. RedSea file system. DrvValidate(). #086: Graphics math. BSpline3(). #087: Kernel header KernelA. Whole thing. #088: Song. Exiled. #089: Kernel datatypes. Queue. Fifo. LinkedList. QueVector. #090: MemRep. Disk structures. #091: Compiler back-end. Exponent operator. #092: Demo. Pick3D #093: Song. Signifies. #094: Kernel ScanKey(). #095: Editor. EdCursorRight(). #096: Compiler parse global var initializing. #097: Game. TreeCheckers. #098: Game. Rocket. #099: Graphics math. GrFillTri0(). #100: Kernel disk identify HD/DVD port numbers. ATAProbe(). #101: Song. Bedewed. #102: Graphics SpriteTypeMask(). #103: Document DocPutS(). #104: Game app. ToTheFront. Old TempleOS Instructional Videos * "VMware" is a trademark owned by VMware, Inc.